I am working on a little vex/python toolset to generate animated channels from notes (music).
- video description is here on vimeo
- older source .hiplc file and HDA's are here on odforce
- I will update the sources asap on my github
- if you are really interested, send me an e-mail please
- create/edit midi in ableton or similar software
- import midi to houdini
- generate channels from the notes
animation curves
- can be generated pre note or post note
- channels are actually arrays, detail attributes, calculated just once
special channels
- area (accumulate, e.g. to drive noise)
- seed (to drive random)
- pass&hit (like a slapping movement)
- connect notes (just connect them)
- detection of ascending/descending melody, which affects the direction of the animation
library of shapes
- ease in, out
- spring
- bounce
- swing (before the "beat", like with a racket)
- sparkle
- 12 principles of animation
- any custom chramp
source code
- vex to generate the channels
- some python for the initial generations of notes
- getmusic function to read the channel