start ()
Starts render (kills previous).
My global hotkey: F12
kill ()
Stops render.
My global hotkey: F11
take_from_name ()
Creates take from all the selected Geo Nodes.
Uses Guillaume Jobst's PyTake library.
source code
the following code is maintained also on my github
thank you, great people, I couldn't do this without you.
import hou import PyTake2 def start () : pane = hou.ui.curDesktop().paneTabOfType(hou.paneTabType.IPRViewer) pane.killRender() pane.startRender() def kill () : pane = hou.ui.curDesktop().paneTabOfType(hou.paneTabType.IPRViewer) pane.killRender() def take_from_name () : for node in hou.selectedNodes(): name = new_take = PyTake2.Take(name) new_take.includeDisplayFlag(node) PyTake2.returnToMainTake()